Grace and Peace to you New Life family and friends
It is an exciting time for the New Life Fellowship of Churches (NLFoC) and it is with great honor and appreciation to The Lord for raising us up together for a time such as this.
God has graciously blessed us with another year and the opportunity to fellowship and share the goodness of the Lord. This year We are excited to have the privilege and honor of carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ internationally and fulfilling the mandate in Matthew 25. This October we will be traveling to Sierra Leone, where we will share the love of Christ by the preaching of the gospel, as well as providing educational and economical assistance . We sincerely thank all of our friends and fellow churches who stand with us as we carry out the will of God
Our hearts are filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this God given assignment. We believe with all our hearts that Our Lord has raised up this fellowship to bring greater dimensions to The Body of Christ. While this assignment is great and the call is urgent, we look to God to use us to impact the community and the world abroad for His Kingdom.
It is our prayer that this Holy Convocation will rain down the presence and blessings of God. If you can believe it, God will do the impossible right before our very eyes. We’re believing God for a power packed move from Him that will bring change, growth and healing to His people.Let’s get ready to receive this outpouring of the Holy Spirit.